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Infrastructure Providers

Instrumentix - Infrastructure Providers
Clients and users of extranet service providers are beginning to expect more than simply enhanced network performance monitoring. Increasingly they demand more sophisticated levels of transaction monitoring and metrics, to better understand how trading traffic is transported and whether for example there is any impact on performance during times of high trading volumes or during volatile sessions. To date, many extranet services providers have found adequate monitoring solutions both prohibitively expensive, and difficult to deploy and support.

Extranet service providers allocate bandwidth based on client demand but need to understand the traffic profiles of their clients in order to allocate it correctly based on actual usage. Increasingly clients also demand metrics from both a flow and application perspective, not just the network.
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Currently these needs are difficult to meet and problem diagnosis and resolution can be a lengthy process. Understanding the performance of clients execution and market data across the infrastructure and proving that there are no issues within the network is impossible without clear evidence. Also, in this highly competitive area it is no longer enough to provide connectivity - it is important to continually offer new value-added services in order to differentiate and win new business.

xMetrics® delivers a compelling combination of both Network and Flow monitoring which allows both Infrastructure providers and their customers to monitor execution performance and market data consumption in real time including metrics such as capacity utilisation, bandwidth, microbursts, packet loss and TCP and UDP behaviour and events.

xMetrics® provides secure, logically separated views for each client and the ability to monitor and alert in real-time on SLA breaches and effectively manage troubleshooting.
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